Publication day for The Cats of Silver Crescent!

It’s pub day! My children’s novel The Cats of Silver Crescent is now available wherever books are sold. If you like spooky small towns, talking cats, and cozy gothic mysteries, this is the book for you and the young people in your life!

I had so much fun writing this book. Partly because talking cats are inherently delightful, but also because Elsby, the 12-year-old main character, is me at that age. Just like her, I loved animals and wanted to be a writer. And just like her, I wrote first chapter after first chapter of novel drafts, without ever managing to complete my ideas. That detail in the book is based on actual stack of notebooks full of different first chapters I wrote during those years. Back then I truly thought I’d never manage to finish and publish a real book. But here I am! Twice over now.

Many thanks are due to my incomparable agent, Katie Grimm, who saw something in me and my work before I had accomplished much beyond a rough draft of my first book. Thank you, Katie! I shudder to think where I would be without you.

Gratitude also to my wise editor, Virginia Duncan, and the whole team at Greenwillow and HarperCollins Children’s.

I’m thrilled that The Cats of Silver Crescent got such a marvelous cover and interior illustrations from Jessica Roux! I have to pinch myself sometimes. I feel so fortunate. Thank you, Jessica!

Many thanks also to my dear friends, mostly fellow middle grade writers, who read early drafts of this book, gave vital feedback, and helped so much bring it to where it is now.

Most of all I’m grateful to have such a supportive family, including my wonderful husband Travess and my mother Leila, and great daughters Lucy and Alice, and extended family and in-laws Diana, Mark, Judy, Linda, and others who have cheered for me all the way.

I’m grateful for God for all these opportunities.